Depression, Symptoms of Depression, Cause of Depression & Diagnose a Depression


What is Depression?

Depression is a mental illness that is very common. The survey found that depression is India's most common physician illness. A large number of Indians suffer from depression. Spreading awareness about depression is very important so that if anyone suffers from depression, they can be diagnosed early.

What are the major depression Symptoms?

  1. Persistent and Pervasive Sadness:
    The very first and most important symptoms are that one will start staying sad most of his day. Even if anything positive happens in life, one can never be happy and there is always a disappointment on the face. You can differentiate between depressive sadness and regular sadness. Regular sadness is temporary and goes away when something positive happens. But in a depression situation, a person is not happy even though there is something positive, it is called persistent and pervasive sadness.

  2. Loose of Interest:
    One loses interest in everything like in the family, work, food, and hobby. You have heard this line many times that "I don't enjoy anything, nothing gives me happiness", this is a symptom of depression. 

  3. Guilt Feeling:
    One starts feeling guilty, they blame themselves for all the wrong things that are going on around them.

  4. Physical Weakness:
    They feel exhausted every time, in the morning, at night, and at noon. There's nothing exciting for them.

  5. Loose of Concentration:
    One could not concentrate on his work like in study or in a job etc.

  6. Hunger and Body Weight:
    One is not interested in food and the bodyweight also decreases. But, in some cases, both hunger and body weight increase dramatically.

  7. Sleeping Problems: 
    sleep gets shorter. one goes to bed but can't sleep or one sleeps at the right time, but the sleep breaks occasionally. The main problem with depressed people is the early morning break.

  8. Suicidal thoughts:
    A depressed person hurt himself is very common. Suicidal thought comes into his head.

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Why does it happen?

It is not necessary to be depressed because something went wrong, Even Though all goes well, depression may still be there.
It is a disease, it has two causes, Biological & Phyclogical
  1. Biological Cause:
    One reason for depression is a chemical change in the brain, three chemicals are responsible, serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Low quantities of these chemicals in the brain, can be a cause of depression.

  2. Phycological cause:
    If something went wrong, the negativity increases and he starts to see that everything is wrong, as my future is bad, I can't do anything and much more.

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What is Depression therapy?

First, it's an illness, nobody chooses it on their own. Depression is not associated with mental strength, mental weakness, physical weakness. If there is one depressed person, it is not necessary that he would be mentally weak.
If you are depressed, do not think negatively. Do not think you are weak. it is a disease, and it can be treated properly like any other disease. 

There are two ways to treat depression.
The first method is by giving the person proper medicine. These medicines maintain the chemicals in the brain. They identify the cause of depression and try to remove or replace the cause. Both are workable, and the best result comes with both. If you see that someone is depressed near you, don't take it lightly. It can be treated, go, and see the psychiatrist and give him/her a treatment.

If you see that someone is depressed near you, don't take it lightly. It can be treated, go, and see the psychiatrist and give him/her a treatment.

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